
"Liva" este cuvântul din limba norvegiană veche pentru "viaţă”.  

Îngrăşămintele YaraLiva® reprezintă o gamă cuprinzătoare de azotaţi de calciu care contribuie la realizarea produselor cu o valoare ridicată şi comercializare bună. Cu alte cuvinte, este vorba de o gamă de îngrăşăminte de calitate deosebită care îmbunătăţesc raportul cost-performanţă a culturii şi asigură producţia de alimente care satisfac chiar şi cei mai exigenţi cultivatori şi consumatori.

Asigură azot nitric cu acţionare rapidă pe lângă calciu şi bor care asigură rezistenţa. În combinaţie aceşti nutrienţi stimulează creşterea prelungită. În acelaşi timp plantele şi pomii trataţi cu îngrăşămintele din brandul YaraLiva sunt mai sănătoase şi mai puţin sensibile la stres în timpul creşterii. Iar în perioada critică de la dezvoltare şi până la recoltă îngrăşămintele YaraLiva îmbunătăţesc mărimea, forţa şi aspectul fructului, tuberculului, frunzei sau salatei.

Rezultatul final este un produs fără defecte care se poate depozita pentru timp mai lung, nu este sensibil la degradare, boli sau putrezire, fiind vizibil mai atrăgător, mai colorat, mai proaspăt şi foarte nutritiv.

Lasting Freshness

With YaraLiva the produce keeps its weight and quality longer

When YaraLiva is included in the fertilizer program, especially for fruit and vegetables, the farmers quickly notice that their produce keeps its weight and quality for a longer time period before starting to break down. Which means that the produce stays fresher looking in the market. This is a big advantage for the supermarket or fruit and vegetable seller. 

The value for the farmer is a reputation for high quality produce, resulting in a higher demand and the potential for higher prices for his produce. 

Alongside calcium, boron improves the cellular integrity of plants and produce. The synergy with calcium is such that while high levels of calcium can increase tissue stiffness and risk of cracking, boron counteracts this by increasing tissue elasticity.

Inner Health

Calcium binds the cells together, playing an important role in the cell structure

Nobody likes to take a bite of a nice looking fruit only to find the inside soft, rotten, or just off color. One of the advantages of including YaraLiva in a fertilizer program is the reduction of these incidents. The secret is applying YaraLiva product at the exact time the young fruit is forming, then loading a large dose of calcium into the fruit. As it grows (and the Ca content decreases, which is normal) the Ca levels stay above the level needed to keep the fruit healthy. 

Calcium binds the cells together and plays an important role in the cell structure. Insufficient calcium leads to cell collapse. A good supply of calcium will therefore help the plant to better tolerate a wide range of stresses (e.g. salinity stress),making it less susceptible to disease attacks and minimizes physiological disorders. YaraLiva also increases the nutritional value in crops. Calcium has not only a critical metabolic function, but the Ca reserves (bones) are of structural importance for humans.

Outer Beauty

The most desired fruit will have a radiant and complete skin color

In the fruit and vegetable market, the most desired fruit or vegetable will have a radiant and complete skin color. If the produce is supposed to be red, then the desired fruit will have a bright, consistent red color. The produce will have no blemishes (black spots on a yellow banana skin, etc) and no rotting evident. Increasing the calcium content in fruit and vegetables, increases their firmness, reduces water loss during storage and improves shelf life. Because of less water loss during storage, the product maintains its weight and outer beauty. 

Fruit and vegetables with cracks are less marketable, but also more prone to invasion by diseases, especially the fungal diseases which cause the fruit to rot. The addition of YaraLiva to the fertilizer program has been shown to reduce these external problems by at least half.

YaraLiva Range

The YaraLiva range comprises three main fertilizers: Tropicote, Nitrabor and Calcinit. All of them combine the benefits of highly soluble calcium with readily available, fast-acting nitrate-N. This means you can be sure you are applying an uniform product to provide you with a consistent, top quality produce today’s growers require.

  • YaraLiva Tropicote

YaraLiva Tropicote is specifically designed for dry applied field use. It is highly water soluble and utilizes a unique coating technology, which is distributed evenly on the granule surface. It ensures that the fertilizer resists the absorption of moisture during storage and handling and also minimizing caking and dusting. 

Physically, YaraLiva Tropicote is a dense granular fertilizer that can be spread by machine or by hand. It is free-flowing, with a particle size of 2-4mm. When spreading, their hard granular formulation ensures minimal particle breakdown and even application across the growing area. Once in the soil they are fast-dissolving and fast-acting, ensuring growth is not compromised. It offers water soluble calcium for improved, reduced-stress growth, better crop quality and shelf-life, and readily available nitrate-N for fast, predictable growth.

  • YaraLiva Nitrabor

YaraLiva Nitrabor is a dense granular fertilizer for accurate dry applied spreading by machine/hand. All the nutritional benefits of calcium and nitrate nitrogen found in YaraLiva Tropicote are combined, but with added boron. This ensures an even more balanced crop nutrition programme, for crops with high boron demand. Manufactured with the same coating technology as YaraLiva Tropicote, Nitrabor offers the same storage and soil application benefits.

  • YaraLiva Calcinit

Specifically manufactured for fertigation, YaraLiva Calcinit is a fully water soluble source for calcium and nitrate nitrogen. It is quick to dissolve in water without any residues and can be used in all fertigation systems, including drip, sprinklers and centre pivot irrigators. YaraLiva Calcinit provides all the benefits of fast-acting highly available nitrogen, with the improved harvest quality characteristics of calcium, this ensures that growth is maximized and that produce quality is not compromised. YaraLiva Calcinit can be mixed with other water soluble fertilizers, except concentrated stock solutions containing phosphate or sulfate.

Manipularea și depozitarea în siguranță a îngrășămintelor

Manipularea și depozitarea în siguranță a îngrășămintelor

Yara produce îngrășăminte de înaltă calitate dintr-o varietate de materii prime prin diferite tehnologii de producție. Respectarea legislației internaționale și a standardelor tehnice interne Yara asigură o atenție deosebită a siguranței produselor și proceselor, precum și a protecției personalului și a mediului prin implementarea celor mai bune tehnici disponibile.

Manipularea în siguranță a îngrășămintelor